Friday, June 22, 2012

I Am Everything Evil In Their Eyes

Her family hates me, and blames me for her ungodly ways. I am the "friend" .. the "roommate" .. never referred to as her partner or lover, I am a monster to them. I am not welcome in their home; I will never be invited to a family vacation, reunion, or out to dinner. Hell, not a single one of them will even acknowledge me as an important person in her life! She is not allowed to talk about me. I am the secret. The ghost in the closet. I am everything evil in their eyes .. and she is just going through a phase. Everyday it eats at me more and more.. I just don't understand how people can HATE so much. Doesn't it get tiring holding into all that anger and blame. When is enough, enough? And when will you just love and accept your daughter because she is your daughter .. no more Hell Mary's, no more talks with a priest .. no more praying for my soul because I am damned to hell for the lifestyle I choose to have. She is an amazing person and you are missing out on her life. It just breaks my heart when she hurdles oceans for your love, and you don't even bat an eyelash.. when it gets to that point where months, years go by and you haven't spoken to or seen her. You're going to blame me for keeping her away from you, pulling her from your family.. I hope someday you will look at yourselves and see just how far and hard you pushed her. She's close to the edge and she's clawing for something, anything .. just know when you push her off that mountain of Bibles and Scriptures, I will be at the bottom waiting to catch her. I love her, every part of her, and you are only bringing us closer together. Thank You

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Thank You For Leaving Me

Thousands of people walking around downtown for Pride, and you were the one person my eyes found.. I can't help but to smile inside. That's how we met. A crowded bar, and as soon as I walked in I spotted your smile across the room and knew you had to be mine. I think back then I was afraid to love. It scared me. I've always been the type to like things that were concrete; like the ocean, something you could point to and know it was there . I think that's why I have ALWAYS struggled with love. You can't touch it. You can't hold on to it. You can't make sure it never changes.. I haven't felt your touch in years, and haven't heard your voice in months, but you will always be apart of my heart and soul. I guess I really did love you. Telling you I didn't was a selfish effort to save myself from heartache and pain. It was a cycle of me hurting you because you hurt me, and the final cut were 4 words I wish I never would have said.. .."I never loved you".. I know I more than loved you. I was in love with you, and you leaving me broke every part of my heart to pieces. Up until this last weekend I wondered if face to face.. would I be able to walk away? Yes, I walked away. No it wasn't easy. I'm sure I will always look for you in a crowd of people, and will always smile when our eyes meet, but I'm not sorry its over. I'm not sorry we met. I'm not sorry you left! Without you leaving I would have never found the amazing woman I am with today! She is my perfect match in every way. I am more happy now than I have EVER been.. so thank you for leaving me, it has been the most painful yet most rewarding gift anyone has ever given. Thank You

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The trick is living in each day as they come ..

When a day has passed in life, be done with it. It is important to live in each day as it comes, to the best of our ability. So that even when our mind attempts to wander and re-live the past, we know that there was no more that could be done for we gave everything we could have given in every moment. Don't worry, just as you have made mistakes in the past, so will you in the future. Being perfect is one trait that no human could ever acquire. Instead of aiming to be perfect, we should instead aim to commit actions everyday that will help to tell the world who we really are. Be grateful and humble for every new day that you are given, and remember that after each day is over physically; it should also be over in your mind as much as it possibly can.