I am a human being, (human) meaning I have made plenty of mistakes. I
mean I have made A LOT OF MISTAKES. I have done some things that hurt
some people pretty badly. I have broken the hearts of a lot of people,
I have made some very bad life choices, I have gone down the gutter
many times, I got involved in unprogressive things and unprogressive
people. I have just generally been one huge fuck up many MANY times.
Not to mention I have a list of issues I am still dealing with. I have
terrible anxiety, I have body issues, I have a tendency to fall into
extreme bouts of depression, and when it is really really bad I have a
temper and a passive aggressiveness that can shatter ego's with the
snap of my fingers. As much light I contain, I contain an equal if not
more darkness and when I lose a grip on myself it comes out and
destroys me and everything around me. As much as I want to save the
world, but I fall into a very dark place the urge to want to leave my
entire life behind is equally
as strong. That is the price that comes with this journey. If I did
not make the mistakes I have made and continue to make I would not be
who I am.
My journey hasn't been pretty, and I'm not proud of some of the paths
I've chosen, however I AM proud of who I am today.
All of our beautiful mistakes have led us to where we are. Everything in life is a lesson. It's a journey of souls.